Kelimutu Lake, Unique Three Colors Lake In The Top Mountain

Flores, an island that is still included in the province of East Nusa Tenggara has lots of interesting attractions, one very popular tourist Bali Accommodation Seminyak spot until the entire world is the lake Flores Flores who has a very beautiful scenery. Kelimutu is a lake located in the Kelimutu mountain peak, at the top of this mountain there are three lakes, where these lakes can change the colors, the location is also often referred to as the Lake Three Colors.

Mount Flores has an altitude of approximately 1,631 masl, kelimutu lake itself is at the top of the mountain, the name Flores is a combination word from Flores, "keli" meaning "mountain" and "quality" which means "to boil". Actually, the lake Flores Flores-known in the community as a haunted place, they believe Bali Tour Activity if the place is a place bersemayamnya spirits of the dead, not only that, the name of the three lakes in the language Flores also quite creepy.

For instance the lake furthest (west) has the name "Tiwu Ata Mbupu" which means "lake souls of parents who died", a lake in the middle called "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" means "lake young people who died "while the lake east (nearest) named" Tiwu Ata Polo "which means" lake of soul in his life committed a crime ". But behind the horror stories, lake Flores has the spectacular Bali Kuta Resort scenery, although it is located adjacent, but the color of the water in the lake is the third different, some of the colors that often arises is red, brown, green Tosca, white, black and blue.

All three lakes are separated by steep cliffs are prone to landslides, therefore we can only to the limits of the safest, lake Flores is still included in the National Park Flores, is one of the smallest national park among other Bali Private Villa National Parks in Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Lake Flores was first discovered by Van Such Telen, a Dutch citizen in 1915, when he told people if mountaintop Flores Flores there are three lakes with different colors, namely red, white, and blue.

Initially people did not believe it because the color is mentioned together with the Dutch flag colors, until finally the citizens to prove themselves by ascending to the top of the mountain, the lake is increasingly popular Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak after immortalized in a painting by Y.Bouman in 1929, and at that time many people start curious to finally be made to the National Park Flores. Access to the site can be fairly easy, from the NTT provincial capital, Kupang that we could get on a plane headed to Ende on Flores island, the journey continues to use public transport to get to the nearest village, one village woloara.